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Fire Service Cumberland County MunicipalityQuality Solutions for the protection of lives and property, providing exceptional value to our customers.

Protection Of Lives And Property

Protecting lives and property starts before construction begins

Buildings of all types, while under construction, renovation or demolition, are both more susceptible to fire and at greater risk of the effects of fire. A wide variety of ignition sources increase the likelihood of fires starting. Be aware of those risks before you start your project. Your fire department can help you evaluate those risks.

24 Hours a Day

Cumberland County has approximately 300 volunteer firefighters. We are committed to saving lives and protecting property 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Civic Address Signs

Some local fire departments can supply civic address signs. Please contact your local department for information.

Fire Protection

Our Location

The Municipality of the County of Cumberland
1395 Blair Lake Road
Upper Nappan, NS B4H 3Y4
902 667 3305